The Psychotic Fireman! Well, I never expected that!

It follows the life of Mick Crowe from hardship as a child to eventually gaining success as a firefighter. At the age of 40, he fell ill with something that lies in between post-traumatic stress disorder, psychotic depression, and schizophrenia.

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About the Author

After retiring from the fire service at the age of 41 after many hardships, Mick Crowe settled down in the countryside in a house he renovated himself and has enjoyed family life while trying to fight his inner demons.

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My Book

The Psychotic Fireman "Well, I Never Expected That!"

It follows the life of Mick Crowe from hardship as a child to eventually gaining success as a firefighter. At the age of 40, he fell ill with something which lies in between post-traumatic stress disorder, psychotic depression and schizophrenia. 

Telling his life story as it was, and trying to explain the realms of the parts of the mind untouchable by most, this book leads into the depths of almost incomprehensible and complex thoughts, it took his mind into unbelievable provinces and eventually caused him to seek, as Albert Einstein said, “The Answer to Everything.”

Inspirational Interview

It follows the life of Mick Crowe from hardship as a child to eventually gaining success as a firefighter. At the age of 40, he fell ill with something which lies in between post-traumatic stress disorder, psychotic depression and schizophrenia.
“The Psychotic Fireman: Well, I Never Expected That!” by Mick Crowe
The psychotic fireman by Mick Crowe on Spotlight with Logan Crawford

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